The Future of Forensic Science:

Lower limits of detection of materials including drugs and accelerants at crime scenes via improved biological detection systems (primarily canine detection) will continue to enhance the investigator's set of tools in the field. Forensic scientists expect improvements in the isolation and separation of these materials recovered from crime scenes by the incorporation of new analytical methods such as supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) and solid--phase micro extraction (SPME). Improved detection limits and faster confirmation of the identity of isolated materials can be obtained via increased use of new analytical instrumentation developed at government research centers and in practicing forensic science laboratories with increased collaboration with faculty at research universities.

The forensic science community anticipates an ever--increasing role of statistical methods of analysis as data banks become increasingly available on more evidentiary materials. The information age will also make these resources available to all experts more efficiently. The use of standardized methods by certified personnel in accredited laboratories will become routine as these quality assurances become expected by the courts.

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